It's time once again for our regular Open Thread. Talk about whatever you want, so long as it isn't Culture War.
A reminder that signups are open for the Naval Gazing meetup at Iowa in May. It's going to be a great time, and you should come.
Overhauls are Carrier Doom Part 3, the King George V Class, German Guided Bombs Part 1, Hornet Part 3 and for 2024, Fuzes parts three and four.
I recently read Gary Sheffield's book Forgotten Victory about WWI, and on the whole, very much liked it. It's not really intended as a complete overview of the war so much as a corrective to false narratives (mostly "lions led by donkeys") that have grown up around it, so it's mostly about the BEF on the Western Front, but it also covers the start and end of the war and some other topics (including a brief section on the role of sea power that I completely endorse). I didn't learn a ton, having absorbed most of the thesis by osmosis over the years, but if you're interested in WWI, it's a good corrective to broader works like Keegan or A World Undone, both of which lean into "lions led by donkeys" quite a bit.
Thank you for the recommendation regarding Sheffield's work. Ordering it now. 5805